
Press Informative. Professional. Cooperative.

Emese Weissenbacher supplements Horváth Supervisory Board

The fast-growing international management consultancy welcomes Emese Weissenbacher to its Supervisory Board – As a green finance expert, Weissenbacher…

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Horváth Study: Automotive sector implements transformation path, fights its way out of the crisis by optimizing revenues and costs

E-Mobility, digitalization and sustainability as key trends.Companies are focusing on meeting the challenges associated with material shortages and…

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Horváth Study: Executive salaries are linked to sustainability goals in only one fifth of companies

Success in the area of sustainability is linked to variable salary components in almost one in two large corporations. On average, companies plan to…

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CxO Priorities 2022: Ninety percent of top executives currently view cybersecurity as a core challenge

Action to tackle online threats is a matter of extreme urgency for industry - Seventy-eight percent of companies still expect positive sales…

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Management consultancy Horváth mourns the loss of Péter Horváth

"Controlling Pope" and company founder Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. H.c. mult.  Péter Horváth passed away unexpectedly on June 4 at the age of 85 after a short…

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Horváth expands US business – Executive consultant Tony Klimas appointed as President

Horváth responds to growing demand from clients requiring expertise and guidance on performance management, business transformation, and operating…

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Change on the Horváth AG Supervisory Board: Lars Grünert succeeds Péter Horváth

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Péter Horváth has left the Supervisory Board of Horváth AG at his own request and has been appointed Honorary Chairman -…

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Horváth to have new CEO and two new Managing Board members from April 2022

New top management team takes over responsibility as of 1.4.2022

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New World of Working is forming online – International Social Listening Study Reveals Success Factors for "New Work" Strategies

Remote work is rated slightly more positively than negatively - Robotics dominate discussion on digitalization of work - New Work discourse mainly…

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Horváth on course for growth with new brand identity

Shortening of brand name - New logo and brand mark - Expansion of transformation consulting business

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