Johannes Kiekhöfer
The pandemic has accelerated digitalization in sales and customer advice: Many companies have invested in their digital customer interface and introduced CRM systems, online self-service routes or chatbots. However, the lack of personalized advice means that digital solutions are less effective than traditional channels when it comes to closing, especially for offerings that require explanation. Our consultants will show you how to optimally combine existing and new digital solutions and personal advice. With Interactive Digital Sales (IDS), you can achieve more satisfied customers, more efficient processes and significant sales increases.
By refining your digital market cultivation using Interactive Digital Sales (IDS), you can leverage the following potentials:
CRM systems, self-service routes, webshops, data-driven customer segmentation, micro-targeting, chatbots, countless digital touchpoints: Many companies have already taken major steps forward in digitalization.
The results of these measures are often somewhat ambivalent. Though customers respond well to the opportunity to find out information independently, a relatively small proportion of this interest is then closed on a fully digital basis. With IDS, we combine the quality of advice in personal contact and the closing strength of traditional sales channels with the omnipresence of digital sales. Our experts support you in digitalizing personal interaction, and supplementing digital offerings with that personal interaction. This closes the digitalization gap between the CRM system and your customers, and enables customer analytics in personal customer interaction.
IDS is based on high-performance software such as Live Contract from SYNCPILOT. These technical platforms enable much more than just video conferencing. Connection options to Salesforce, SAP products and other smart functions support employees in their interaction with customers:
While software solutions can provide the foundation for change possibilities, the central challenge is in actively and purposefully shaping those possibilities. Our consultants will support you in introducing IDS in your company and in sustainably exploiting the considerable change potential in sales and customer advice:
Thanks to IDS, these transformational developments lead to a high level of acceptance among most employees – who use the software solutions with enthusiasm and recognize the immediate added value for their work. Our iterative and four-step project procedure supports you by making gradual changes in your company and creating a high level of acceptance among employees:
Scoping: Develop a company-specific vision and roadmap and clarify fundamental issues such as data protection and governance
Pilot: Develop and implement conceptual content as well as process improvements, configure a software solution, and use it productively after a few weeks
Roll-out: Integrate pilot processes in the organization and ensure anchoring
Scaling: Iteratively expand functionalities and integrate them into the existing system landscape, as well as making organizational adjustments
We would be happy to support you in establishing Interactive Digital Sales in your company. This will enable you to generate additional business in the short term while also ensuring strong long-term growth for your company. Please feel free to contact us and we will arrange a live demonstration.