Point of View
“Stabilize your Business and Prepare for Recovery”
Manage the Corona Impact
What is next after “organize survival mode”?
After the outbreak of the Corona virus first priority was to organize survival mode. Employee health and safety needed to be guaranteed, liquidity secured and operations maintained. Many businesses have gone through this phase and re-ensured their ability to act. What needs to happen next, after the first economic shock has been successfully managed?
Business leaders must think ahead to ensure short- and long-term health of the company and successfully stabilize the business.
Successful management requires a holistic view
From our experience in helping clients manage crisis situations, it is crucial to apply a holistic view. Eight dimensions are critical for success: Governance, Finance, Supply Chain & Procurement, Operating Model, Customer, Employee, IT Management & Infrastructure and Communication.
Based on our crisis response framework, we outline the key actions to be taken as well as important success factors for stabilizing the business.
Fink, H. / Sauter, R. / Tobias, S.
Erschienen in: Point of View, 2020